Russian bureaucracy, heavy taxation and the "mafia" present immense problems for these business people.
It was not clear whether the delay was intentional or merely a snag in Russian bureaucracy.
Unfortunately, much of Russian bureaucracy can be summed up in the same way.
Not at all the staid, crushing conformity you came to expect from Russian bureaucracies.
The Russian bureaucracy was "being totally hypocritical" and acting to defend its own interests.
The infamous Russian bureaucracy is, if anything, more bloated than ever.
Local governments are often slow to investigate, and nothing moves swiftly through any Russian bureaucracy.
"They know the Russian bureaucracy much better than us," he explained.
He said: "Do not finance the bureaucracy, either central or Russian.
But Russian bureaucracy managed to do what the arctic waters didn't: to stop their effort to sail around in one season.