His poetry is influenced by the Russian revolutionary democrats and the figures of the Paris Commune.
If the Russian democrats are not capable of dismantling it immediately, the possibility of another coup remains.
It is the only hope for us Russian democrats.
Even Russian democrats have trouble recognizing Ukraine's right to sovereignty, let alone the hawks.
In it the Russian democrats, now a beleaguered cadre, come to the fore; these were their best years.
Russian democrats insist that the crackdown was meant to be the first step toward closing down their own newly elected government as well.
The great Russian democrat, however, has made a lot of mistakes and may not be around much longer.
Little, if anything, is said about the role of Mikhail Gorbachev and the Russian democrats at the time.
As a Russian democrat, as an environmentalist, and as a human rights activist, he deserves our support.
Let us set a good example for Mr Putin and the Russian democrats!