Right now, unmanned Russian modules function as large dumpsters, fetching trash from the space station and then burning up in the earth's atmosphere.
Originally the SPP should have made the power supply of the four Russian modules independent from the power supply of the rest of the station.
It is studying a second makeshift component, or a modification of the first one, that would give the station long-term stability, even if the Russian module never shows up.
This is in contrast to the Russian modules which are launched into orbit on multistage Proton rockets and find their own way to the station complex and attach themselves.
Russian modules could be used in addition to some of the ones already planned for Freedom.
Russian modules launched and docked robotically, with the exception of Rassvet.
But they said the renewed Russian financing should assure that a crucial Russian module, and not an American substitute, would fly as one of the first components.
The Russian module at the center of the storm is known as Spectr, which is Russian for spectrum.
Building the ISS began in 1998, when a Russian and American module were connected with each other.
The adapters allow the docking systems used by the Space Shuttle and by Russian modules to attach to the node's hatches and berthing mechanisms.