They leave in a SWAT van, with the T-1000 chasing them, first in a helicopter, then a liquid nitrogen truck.
He hides on the hill behind the SWAT van, slowly approaching it with his Remington 870 shotgun.
The rear doors to the SWAT vans flew open, and the tactical teams filed out.
"All of you," he said, gesturing toward the SWAT vans.
Meanwhile, the tactical teams stood idle outside the SWAT van, drinking only decaffeinated coffee, careful not to get too stimulated.
He stepped down from the SWAT van and started toward the restaurant.
The black SWAT van was on the lot.
Starling could watch the big black SWAT vans following.
You stay behind the SWAT van at all times, got that?
Ambulances and armored trucks can also be converted into SWAT vans or trucks.