Dr. Jill Biden and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan join him for the event.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, in Egypt on a Middle East tour, joined the recriminations.
Secretary of State Adler will be joining us in about three hours, at the Americans' request.
Allows the Secretary of State to join council planning authorities into joint planning boards.
Secretary of State Colin Powell, who had returned from Peru after hearing of the attacks, joined the discussion.
Will the Secretary of State join me in congratulating my constituent, Archie Heptinstall, on his 80th birthday this week?
When Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice joined the department last year, Mr. Burns said, it had only two people working on Iran issues.
He heard footsteps behind him and turned to see that the Secretary of State had joined him on the bridge.
The Secretary of State should join that lot out there who keep losing their jobs and the people who cannot get a job.
Secretary of State Shultz joined them, an Episcopalian in a white yarmulke.