Since 1967 he was Secretary of State in the German interior ministry and since 1968 Minister of the Interior.
Antoine-Roger Bolamba (1913-2002) was the first Secretary of State and Minister of Information in the first Congolese government.
In September 2006 he was appointed Under Secretary of State and Minister for Veterans at the Ministry of Defence.
He held ministerial rank as the Secretary of Mines and Minister for Forests between 1932 and 1941.
He was Secretary of Public Works and Minister for Railways for four months in 1927, during the last months of the first Lang government.
He has also served as Secretary of the Interior and Minister of the Constitutional Tribunal.
The nearby Dorneywood is used as country home for a senior member of the Government, usually a Secretary of State or Minister of the Crown.
He served as Secretary of State for Culture and Media and Minister of Education, Culture and Science in the 1990s.
He served in that position until early 1917, when he was appointed as Secretary of State and Minister of Mines.
Ruth Kelly, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and Minister for Women.