President Reagan and Secretary of State Shultz promised not to use American aid to press Israel to accept the Shultz peace plan.
LEAD: Secretary of State George Shultz has promised to open America's doors to more refugees next year.
Secretary of State James A. Baker 3d had promised to consult closely with Congress on major issues of foreign policy.
The Secretary promised the most comprehensive review ever of the nation's airlines, one that will examine how every carrier operates.
We called for the promised air strikes, the missiles to be fired from the aircraft carriers, all the logistical support Secretary of State James Baker promised, but nothing arrived.
Secretary of State Shultz's decision to start talking with the Palestine Liberation Organization does not promise any early breakthroughs.
Since the Secretary of State and the head of the I.N.S. can't promise success in this lottery, no lawyer or visa service can.
After praising the agents in Texas who had risked their lives in the February raid, the Secretary promised an independent review of it.
Your Secretary of the Navy has promised to look in on us, and our Ambassador from Washington will be there.
The Secretary of State for War promised a full-scale inquiry.