The Secretary of State of Arkansas did not report vote totals for the election.
In 1898 the Secretary of the Board of Trade reported a ".
Section 418 of the Patriot Act required the Secretary to report back to Congress if it was.
The Secretary reported to the President that news services and video nets were cooperating voluntarily in the interests of the general welfare.
Secretaries reported that citizens seemed to have fewer problems with the change than their bosses.
California's Secretary of State has reported that in every general election since 1993, between 20% and 30% of ballots cast have been absentee ballots.
Secretary reported that the first set of four photographs had proved to be very popular and sales to date had covered costs.
Secretary reports that he has already put it to good use.
Directs the Secretary to report to the Congress every January.
Required the Secretary to report to the Congress on the results of the demonstration program.