The State of Somaliland therefore promptly and hurriedly, without any pre-conditions, formed a union with Somalia on July 1st, 1960 presuming the affection they had for Somali nationalism would be reciprocal.
A brief demonstration of overt Somali nationalism occurred in Jijiga when the Somali Youth League (SYL) raised their flag before their headquarters in defiance of the law and the new Ethiopian administrators.
He advocated a form of scientific socialism based on the Qur'an and Marx, with heavy influences of Somali nationalism.
Oral poetry and Somali nationalism: the case of Sayyid Mahammad 'Abdille Hasan.
In the field of Somali Islamic studies scholars such as Said Sheikh Samatar and Abdi Kusow both have detailed in books such as Racial and Religious Contexts (2007) and Oral poetry and Somali nationalism: the case of Sayyid Mahammad 'Abdille Hasan (1982) the impact of Islam on Somali self-consciousness and unity.
Somali nationalism is centered on the notion that the Somali people share a common language, religion, culture and ethnicity, and as such constitute a nation unto themselves.
Politicians assumed that this issue of Somali nationalism dominated popular opinion and that any government would fall if it did not demonstrate a desire to reappropriate occupied Somali territory.