After the war, many left the area to escape Soviet dominance; others were expelled because of anti-German sentiment throughout eastern Europe.
In Poland or Hungary, history was falsified to justify Soviet dominance.
Still, without a major Arab-Israel war or western disengagement, analysts saw no significant likelihood of Soviet dominance of the area.
Ultimately, the threat of nuclear combat eased the risk of hot war, and quarrels among Communists prevented Soviet dominance worldwide.
Soviet conventional dominance is still overwhelming; It's a Long Way to Symmetrary.
Since then, Soviet dominance has appeared that much more stark and anomalous to the peoples of Eastern Europe.
Central European countries that have emerged from decades of Soviet dominance, and are to join the union soon, are wary of centralized authority.
Still, the most ardent advocates of the Mitteleuropa idea live under Soviet dominance or have escaped from it into other lands.
Orwell was thinking in politico-military terms with Soviet dominance, and that hasn't happened.
This and other deals with Western countries have dented but not seriously affected Soviet dominance of the Indian military market.