Instead, the court found that as Mayor of the city of Taba in 1994, he ordered Hutu to kill their Tutsi neighbors, including children.
Her voice trembling, she told the court she had been falsely accused by a Tutsi neighbor who was jealous.
Hutu farmers, who make up 85 percent of the population, killed thousands of their Tutsi neighbors.
They incited Hutu civilians to participate in the killings or be shot in turn, using radio broadcasts to tell them to kill their Tutsi neighbors.
Her Tutsi neighbors have not been kind to her, she said.
Leonille M., 35, the mother of the little boy, said she also was no stranger to depression, nor to the cruel barbs of her Tutsi neighbors.
Most of the wives of the arrested men in Murehe blame their Tutsi neighbors for their troubles.
And they came to the minister's house repeatedly with a list of Tutsi neighbors who had not yet been killed.
Several peasant farmers were killed because they refused to strike the corpses of their Tutsi neighbours.
Those guilty of participating, profiting (e.g. through seizing Tutsi neighbors' property), etc. were put on trial in Gacaca courts.