US economists rank Ricardo as the second most influential economic thinker, behind Adam Smith, prior to the twentieth century.
Paul Ashworth, chief US economist at Capital Economics, was not convinced Operation Twist would do much good.
US economists have called for a reduction in Japan's public spending, especially on infrastructure projects, to reduce the budget deficit.
Remarkably, virtually no US economists paid any attention to this extraordinary movement in the largest market in the world.
Yes as one US economist has said Romney lies all the time.
Steven Levitt, the US economist who is one half of the much feted Freakonomics duo, describes it as "a noble invitation.
That earned the US economist, Gari Becker, a Nobel Prize.
Or perhaps we could nationalise him as one US economist recently suggested.
Ezra Solomon (March 20, 1920 - December 9, 2002) was an influential US economist and professor of economics at Stanford University.
A survey of US economists and their views on the EMU and euro from 1989-2002 found that the euro had gone much better than many expected.