That is when he began to sell United States currency to the Vietnamese on the black market.
A lasting rise in the United States currency will just reverse that trend.
This is what gives United States currency its distinct look and feel.
Going into the new year, most foreign-exchange traders expected the United States currency to fall even more.
When no further steps were taken yesterday, the United States currency moved higher.
The United States currency is regarded as a safe haven in times of international tension.
Some market players say the United States currency could fall to as low as 125 yen.
The United States currency opened higher, following a surge overseas.
They, for the most part, are found to be genuine United States currency.
But, he added, "We do not consider United States currency a supply or material."
That is when he began to sell United States currency to the Vietnamese on the black market.
A lasting rise in the United States currency will just reverse that trend.
This is what gives United States currency its distinct look and feel.
Going into the new year, most foreign-exchange traders expected the United States currency to fall even more.
When no further steps were taken yesterday, the United States currency moved higher.
The United States currency is regarded as a safe haven in times of international tension.
Some market players say the United States currency could fall to as low as 125 yen.
The United States currency opened higher, following a surge overseas.
They, for the most part, are found to be genuine United States currency.
But, he added, "We do not consider United States currency a supply or material."