Then, if van Eyck appeared around a corner, he'd know he was home.
No one has really explained how van Eyck came to see the world in such a radically fresh way.
There are two other possible works by van Eyck of this style known from descriptions only.
Van Eyck stepped behind me and took the helmet from my hand.
Van Eyck stared through my face as he brushed past.
The painting is not signed or dated by van Eyck.
Van Eyck died within two years of this work.
Van Eyck, then, was a learner in an extended world.
It was not associated with van Eyck until 1830.
Typically for van Eyck, the head is a little large in relation to the torso.
Then, if van Eyck appeared around a corner, he'd know he was home.
No one has really explained how van Eyck came to see the world in such a radically fresh way.
There are two other possible works by van Eyck of this style known from descriptions only.
Van Eyck stepped behind me and took the helmet from my hand.
Van Eyck stared through my face as he brushed past.
The painting is not signed or dated by van Eyck.
Van Eyck died within two years of this work.
Van Eyck, then, was a learner in an extended world.
It was not associated with van Eyck until 1830.
Typically for van Eyck, the head is a little large in relation to the torso.