The company was founded by the Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi and was originally known as The Wireless Telegraph & Signal Company.
Marconi's "Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company" was formed on 20 July 1897 after the granting of a British patent for wireless in March of that year.
Marconi's heritage dates back to Guglielmo Marconi's Wireless Telegraph & Signal Company, founded in 1897.
On March 22, 1902, Cervera founded the Spanish Wireless Telegraph and Telephone Corporation in the presence of the Madrid notary Antonio Turón y Boscá.
Cervera brought to the Spanish Wireless Telegraph and Telephone Corporation the patents he had obtained in Spain, Belgium, Germany and England.
Amateur Wireless Telegraph Station Licence (Restricted)
In 1897 'The Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company Limited' was registered (Marconi's own name did not appear in the title until 1900) and with increased funding the experiments became more ambitious.
Complicated coding and decoding procedures left Wireless Telegraph (W/T) operators with no choice but to transmit for long periods of time.
Notes on the Mechanics of Sky and Earth (1915) and Wireless Telegraph and Telephone (1925).
Telegraf i telefon bez žica (Wireless Telegraph and Telephone, 1925)