Two days later, Wright sailed for the Philadelphia Navy Yard and, after brief stops at Norfolk and Charleston en route, arrived there on 8 May.
On the afternoon of July 15, Wright arrived in Poolsville and learned of the arrival of the Army of West Virginia at Harpers Ferry.
Wright arrived on the northern bank in support of Warren.
Her plan outlined in "Explanatory Notes" was never put into effect, however; Nashoba had already failed when Wright arrived back in the US.
Wright was late, and had not yet arrived when the duel began.
On 29 September, Wright departed Rotterdam, bound for the United States, and arrived at Newport on 9 October.
Wright arrived in San Rafael two days later.
When the house was built, she recalls, Wright arrived to inspect it in his cape, with a fob and a cane.
Soon after Wright arrived at Dolphin Stadium, a chiropractor examined him.
Workmen sing, townswomen gossip; Wright and Mamah arrive to view the work as their liaison deepens.