He was also responsible for ordering the shipment of 30,000 bushels of quick-maturing rice seed from the Fujian Province to the lower Yangtze basin in 1011-1012, improving agriculture.
Between the 7th and 4th centuries BC "Yue" referred to the State of Yue in the lower Yangtze basin and its people.
The Yangtze basin is one of the most densely populated in the world.
They warn that the dam will upset the ecological balance in the Yangtze basin, with unforeseeable consequences.
Some 35 percent of all Chinese, accounting for 8 percent of all humanity, live in the Yangtze basin.
It is endemic to the Yangtze basin of China.
At huge cost - $58 billion - the government plans to rechannel water from the Yangtze basin to the thirsty north, over three pathways of nearly 1,000 miles each.
The 1.4-mile wide dam, promoters long claimed, will tame the floods that have devastated the Yangtze basin for millennia.
In a survey of 113 cities, the authors note gradual improvement among municipal governments in economically advanced regions, such as the Pearl River delta and the Yangtze basin.
The authorities of Jiangxi Province, where this rice-farming village of the lower Yangtze basin lies, have managed to largely suppress news of the killings.