"The situation in Saudi Arabia is like a great volcano about to erupt," his declaration stated.
While they lay at their ease inside, the doctor proceeded to tell Michael about the general's declaration of war and also about the Council of Guardians.
There was something rather bracing about his opening declaration: "We now face a crisis that is the economic equivalent of war."
We women heard about your declaration to the men, and we love you for it.
Accordingly, I told Agnes about my declaration of poverty, about the cookery-book, the housekeeping accounts, and all the rest of it.
Michael is visibly stung when Jim says no (he later tells Michael about his declaration of love for Pam).
The front pages of many newspapers running photographs of the lost ship alongside headlines about Britain's declaration of war.
About Looney's declaration that The Tempest was not written by the same author as the rest of the Shakespearean canon, he writes:
But the most striking thing about his declaration was that it had nothing to do with the actual problem.