This will insure sturdy plants with abundant bloom.
He knew how the druidess loved the brief, abundant blooms.
Neither method produces instant results, but both will encourage healthy new growth and abundant blooms.
This early season shaping will keep the shrubs under control and provide abundant late bloom.
But a great surprise occurs in early October, when it bursts into dramatic and abundant bloom, producing great clusters of tiny, pealike flowers.
The growing year of 1998 was glorious with abundant bloom and plenty of sunshine.
If a good deadheading is accomplished before the vacation, it is possible that the plants will greet you with abundant bloom when you return.
Such light is also preferred by the graceful moth orchids (Phalaenopsis), another exceptionally tolerant group, which produce abundant fluttering blooms.
An elegant tea rose, the variety boasts abundant pink blooms and rich green foliage, making it the most stunning flower in our rose beds.
The plant flowers in midsummer, the abundant white blooms producing a unique pungent fragrance, unpleasant to some.