It was alleged that Johnson would later sexually abuse his eldest daughter from age nine to fifteen.
Within a few days of that I saw soldiers come to our neighbour's house and tried to abuse his daughter.
The husband of another group member went to prison after having admitted to sexually abusing their older daughter, now 13, a year ago.
He left when Patsy was 15, having abused both his daughter and his wife.
A court will investigate her contention that her former husband sexually abused their daughter.
For example, a father might obsess about sexually abusing his daughter.
You killed the man abusing your daughter, and a blackmailer.
This man, also a Northampton cop, is accused of sexually abusing his daughter.
And then there's the one about the guy arrested for sexually abusing his daughter.
The father was suspected of abusing his daughter, so she had to be put into foster care.