One day, her mother confided to her that her father's nervousness had begun when he accidentally injected himself with something intended for research animals.
These sunscreens contain 50 percent or more ethanol and can cause gastrointestinal problems including nausea, vomiting and abdominal cramps in children if they should accidentally inject it.
After English accidentally injects himself with muscle relaxant, he and Bough are rescued from two of Sauvage's men by Lorna.
If you struggle, I might tear your vein... or accidentally inject an air bubble, resulting in an embolism.
There was a case some time ago where a vet accidentally injected himself with some.
On March 14, 1925, Dreben died when a nurse accidentally injected him with the wrong substance.
Before I ended up here, I accidentally injected myself with a powerful drug.
The "doctor" treats a mental patient, Buckley (Ted Edwards), but accidentally injects him with adrenaline, which causes him to go into violent fits.
However, this ended in tragedy when his collaborator Dora Lush accidentally injected herself and then died of the infection.
After fainting, the squeamish detective fortifies himself with rubbing alcohol, accidentally injects himself and winds up passed out on the chest of his patient.