By 1995, that number had dropped to 64%, with general retailers taking 21%, and the remainder accountable through other methods, such as direct mail.
A democratically elected government is accountable to the people through a parliament, and can intervene when civil liberties are threatened.
And to that degree I would say that we're accountable through those particular members.
So we are converting a number of public bodies into executive agencies precisely to make them democratically accountable through a minister.
It is accountable to the public through the Scottish Government.
At the same time, I wish them to be accountable through our judicial system.
Of course, were they nationalised then they'd be accountable to the electorate through the government.
On top of that I would also want assurances that it will be properly accountable through parliamentary control.
Decision makers shall be directly accountable through the ballot box to those who must abide by their decisions in each country.
A community school is accountable to the local population through democractically elected local representatives.