The company said it adopted the accounting adjustment in December and applied its affect to 1989 first quarter results, which have been restated.
The 1990 figure does not include a gain of $140 million from an accounting adjustment.
The huge loss in 2002 consisted mostly of an accounting adjustment recognizing changes in the market value of past investments.
In addition, some analysts focus on earnings as reported by companies; these figures may include one-time accounting adjustments that can seriously distort corporate performance.
I.B.M. actually reported a net loss of $1.73 billion, but that largely reflected an accounting adjustment.
An accounting adjustment reflecting recent changes in tax law reduced quarterly profit 5 cents a share.
Essentially, that interview established that the expense transfers were not handled as normal accounting adjustments would have been.
Last year, the company's earnings per share were $1.70, excluding losses from discontinued operations and other accounting adjustments.
The rest of the surplus comes from a combination of new state revenues, restated financial results and other accounting adjustments.
Nine-month income before the accounting adjustment included a $341 million charge related to asset writedowns.