He accused lawmakers in his own party of sacrificing their ideals to placate large donors.
At that time the Mayor accused lawmakers from New York City of endangering services to their constituents to win favor with the public employee unions.
Mr. Skinner accused lawmakers of trying to get the projects through the House before the Bush Administration had a chance to examine them closely.
He has accused Republican lawmakers who voted in favor of the Marriage Equality Act of selling out their votes.
Indeed as a legislative session opened in April 2009, Sadow accused Democratic lawmakers of trying to embarrass the governor.
The governor and the State Legislature battled over the budget for most of the session, with the governor accusing lawmakers of spending beyond the state's means.
As with the Schiavo matter, critics accused lawmakers of grandstanding, but in this case, the hearings made Congress look good.
In a statement, he accused lawmakers of "fighting for the status quo at the expense of Baltimore city schoolchildren."
Congress rejected that proposal last May as it passed a transportation bill, and safety groups accused lawmakers of capitulating to the liquor lobby.
Some Shiite politicians, meanwhile, have accused Sunni lawmakers of having close ties to insurgents.