He also called for busing to achieve desegregation in public schools, opposed capital punishment, and supported ecumenism and women's rights.
The appellate court ordered further proceedings aimed at devising a plan for achieving desegregation.
In 1992, Project Renaissance was implemented in the elementary schools, a program that achieved desegregation by allowing parents some choice in school placement.
In the 1970s, attempts to achieve effective desegregation by means of forced busing in some areas led to more families' moving out of former areas.
He strongly supported busing to achieve desegregation in the public schools, even though most UAW members did not.
The suit sought to merge the three districts to achieve desegregation.
A free-market-induced busing program will not achieve desegregation.
In 1971, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that forced busing of students may be ordered to achieve racial desegregation.
Even officials who supported the plan said they did not expect it to achieve full desegregation.
It was the first time the court had endorsed such busing into the suburbs as a means of achieving desegregation.