But sorrel is an awesome way to add brightness, almost a citrus flavor, to salad without dousing it in lemon juice.
Peppers sweeten when you cook them, and the sauce adds brightness to polenta's creaminess.
These Syncrolite fixtures add much brightness to the show and give a high intensity source of "black-light" effect used throughout the show.
A plectrum helps with accuracy, also adding attack and brightness to the sound, so as such it would appear to be the required compromise.
And there were often visitors from Spain or even farther off adding brightness and colour to the marketplace.
Since mirrors add brightness, as well as the appearance of depth, nothing beats a mirror-trellis combination when it comes to improving a small, dark garden.
The warmth adds a tannic edge, and the lemon adds brightness.
They give Budvar its characteristic citrusy nose, adding brightness to the sweet golden body.
But these Caribbean places add brightness to the restaurant scene.
The oil also adds brightness to soups or sauces.