The name comes from an adjective of the same form, meaning "bare, empty, bereft".
This suffix is extremely productive, and forms adjectives meaning "related to X".
'Dwarf' can be used as a general adjective, meaning 'small'.
Indefinite articles typically arise from adjectives meaning one.
While coterminous U.S. has the precise meaning of contiguous U.S. (both adjectives meaning "sharing a common boundary"), other terms commonly used to describe the 48 contiguous states have a greater degree of ambiguity.
The word is a French adjective in the feminine form used in its full context as la croix pattée, meaning literally "footed cross", from the noun patte, meaning foot, generally that of an animal.
Lindo is also an adjective in the Spanish and Portuguese languages, meaning pretty, attractive.
The words varsovienne and varsoviana are French and Spanish feminine adjectives, respectively, meaning 'from Warsaw'.
The name originates from an adjective in the Malay language, genggang, meaning striped.