Yet this was not an adult-child relationship; it was a courtship.
While parents may not know the precise boundaries of appropriate adult-child relationships, they can usually agree when something is amiss.
For example, they differ in whether they consider all adult-child sexual relationships as abusive, and in their judgements about the relative effects of different kinds of abuse.
When adult-child relationships are sympathetic and caring, children want to acquire skills and behave in ways that preserve those gratifying ties.
But in one instance involving crack, a change in grade performance indicated yet another aspect of an adult-child relationship turned upside down.
Huang was led to this comment because characters in the episode who tried to lobby in favor of adult-child sexual relationships compared their situation to the persecution of homosexuals.
It wasn't a case of taking his measure, since the child's side of an adult-child relationship is pretty ordinarily to assume that the adult knows what he is about.
In 1980 O'Carroll's book Paedophilia: The Radical Case was published, in which he advocates the normalization of some adult-child sexual relationships.
If I act, think and feel at an overly mature, controlling level, the romantic relationship also can be turned into a pseudo adult-child relationship.
Each of the four stories has some reference to the adult-child relationship.