At this time, the term Chicano began to reference those who resisted total assimilation, while the term Pochos referred (often pejoratively) to those who strongly advocated assimilation.
Seeing itself as an inclusive nation with universal values, France has always valued and strongly advocated assimilation.
Standing in opposition to other Jewish organizations, such as the Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens and the Zionist groups, he advocated total assimilation as an answer to antisemitism.
He has also written many commentaries for Dutch newspapers (most frequently as a regular contributor to the NRC Handelsblad) and current events television programs, defending atheism and advocating cultural assimilation for non-European immigrants in the Netherlands.
The mixed bloods advocated assimilation, while the full bloods wanted to follow their traditional way of life.
There were people who were famous Turkish nationalists like Halide Edip; she advocated assimilation of Armenians, but she very strongly opposed any kind of murder.
He advocated Indian assimilation and independence from federal funding.
Some intellectuals advocated assimilation and citizenship into American social and economic values while others sought a return to cultural practices of the past.
It was opposed by Mikhail Bogdanov, who advocated rapid assimilation through Russian, and it has been suggested that the hybrid language used presented problems for readers, although evidence suggests otherwise.
It was a complex movement whose members sometimes did as much harm as those who advocated assimilation through programs that funneled immigrants into low-wage jobs and segregated neighborhoods.