He also advocated internal and educational improvements, but he was unsuccessful in securing the appropriate funding.
He used his paper to advocate responsible government, improvements to public education, and reform.
During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Camp advocated numerous civic and infrastructural improvements.
He anticipated the erection of a martyr's memorial, and advocated architectural improvements at Oxford.
As Governor he was one of a succession advocating improvements in public education.
Roane served as Governor of Arkansas from 1849 to 1852 and advocated internal improvements and increased funding for education.
He advocated navigational improvements on the Sangamon River.
His administration advocated educational improvements and fiscal support to the public school system.
She advocated improvements in health care, such as electronic record keeping and affordable drugs for seniors.
During his year in office, he effectively advanced an agenda of tax reform and advocated further improvements in Massachusetts prisons.