The Dutch, with only small amount of soldiers, could not afford a land offensive against their well-entrenched opponent.
Then, as now, contingency fees were often the only way the poor could afford effective representation against big business.
It was not intended to be a weapon, but would afford protection against anything that might exhibit too much interest in her.
What protection would that afford against bonewater, she wondered, which poisoned the very earth they stood upon?
In the past we couldn't afford vengeance against such persons.
Many more were shifting their shapes to afford protection against the torturous light.
We cannot afford against a good team like Indianapolis to be giving any games away.
This time, however, the bank could only afford 55% cover against its loans while the other banks were setting aside 70% or even 80%.
Only a properly functioning internal market can afford protection against certain developments in international markets.
These were at first intended only to afford cover against enemy observation and shell fire.