This afforded a more detailed view over a smaller region of the visual field.
The spot afforded a clear field of fire over a narrow area of jungle through which the Japanese began their attack.
On the third floor a small balcony afforded a view over the wall of the temple.
Who the hell is going to afford over 1600 quid for a new boiler right now.
If you can, choose a medicine that you will be able to afford over the long run.
Their attic perch afforded a clear field of fire over the palisade.
Its position affords fine views over the county of Somerset.
At first he'd planned to stay away from the hill because it afforded a view over the coastal area.
On one hand, fleshing out five distinct human stories can afford multiple narrative possibilities over the life of a series.
Among other things, it affords better views over the wall on the helix.