Several roads lead to it, but Ocean View, as the name implies, affords wide vistas of the sea and makes for a short picturesque drive along the coast.
Steel-grate bridges make even the highest points accessible, affording grand vistas of the surrounding countryside and, deep below, the winding Elbe Valley.
Perched at 3,160 ft altitude, the gap affords scenic vistas of Yahoola Valley below.
The Glass House itself, dating from 1949, affords generous vistas of the outdoors.
This is curious, for such dimensions afford sweeping vistas, genuine awe.
The surrounding scenery is varied, while the higher grounds afford vistas over the adjacent countryside.
Situated on the crest of the Allegheny Front, Bear Rocks afford vistas over the South Branch Potomac River.
"Descent," performed on a 12-story staircase in the City Court Building in November, afforded striking vistas of dancers posed at every twist and turn.
At 223 metres (731 ft), it is the highest office building in Africa and affords sweeping vistas of the city and surrounds.
Make the first stop the miradores of Bartolomé and La Montaña, with the latter being a little higher and affording beautiful vistas along the coast in both directions.