The fight ended after Republicans and Democrats began threatening to kill each other and the Governor ordered police to get the situation under control.
The public debt continued to grow after Democrats gained control of Congress on January 3rd, 2007.
Although the group frequently takes aim at Republicans, organizers said it was the first time it had gone after specific Democrats for their war views.
He's been there over four years, he's conducted himself admirably, he's gone after Republicans and Democrats.
Last month, party leaders were forced to take control of the budget process after Democrats who run the chamber's two budget-writing committees had failed to reach an agreement.
The department withdrew that idea after Democrats protested.
The legislation was dropped after Democrats and environmental groups protested.
According to this mind-set, pluralism and democracy stop after Democrats and Republicans.
After Democrats obtained control of the legislature, May became Minority Caucus Chair.
He resigned the next spring after newly elected Democrats in the city council authorized granting liquor licenses in Rochester.