At the news conference, the phalanx of officials laid out the Government's case against medical marijuana.
It was last used in Colombia in the mid-1980's against marijuana.
In early 2003, she called on the federal government to toughen its laws against marijuana.
The International Olympic Committee has no limit, but it is vaguely against marijuana.
Whatever the rationale, the war against marijuana is expensive - as much as $1.7 billion in criminal justice costs each year, by one estimate.
As in nineteen sixty-seven it will call the law against marijuana immoral and unworkable.
One of the officers tells her that "a small but powerful group decided to make a law against marijuana."
Second, Anslinger ran a campaign against marijuana on radio and at major forums.
We also meet the area's Johnny Potseed, who is on a mission to subvert laws against marijuana.
This answer, while heartfelt, deviated sharply from the Clinton administration's policy against medical marijuana.