It was supposed to protect the young king against snakes in the afterlife.
Biting was successful against garter snakes and was also used against shrews.
This may be "realistic" (whatever that means in a world where players fight against newborn gods and sentient snakes), but it's simply not fun.
Researchers are gaining new insight into the frogs' ingenious defense against hungry birds and snakes.
'We have them against snakes and big spotted cats.'
They tied thick hides about their legs above the boot tops and below the knees to protect against snakes.
Owings together with his students and colleagues discovered a number of behavioral and physiological defense mechanisms against snakes.
They all wore serpent-like black coral bracelets as special protective amulets against snakes.
He was invoked particularly as a protector against snakes.
Next to the altar is the Guardian Angel's who takes a child under his/her wing because that little creature is fighting against snakes.