But if Japanese investors sell off their American assets and cause the dollar to sink, the Fed could face an agonizing dilemma.
Escape is an agonizing dilemma.
Mike was present when the President was faced with an agonizing dilemma.
Many faces revealed the agonizing dilemma they all felt.
This ruthless counterinsurgency tactic presents yet another agonizing dilemma for humanitarian relief groups and adds fresh urgency to a stalled but still indispensable peace process.
Washington had years to properly consider the agonizing dilemmas that cases like this one raise for uncounted, less publicized American families.
For many Republicans the Duke campaign has posed an agonizing dilemma.
It was an agonizing dilemma.
At this decision-point in the story, the writer forces the reader into an agonizing dilemma.
But Disney has suddenly learned the hidden perils of entering a country that takes its politics so seriously, and the company now faces an agonizing dilemma.