To an alarming extent, poverty has not only persisted but increased as the South's prospects have improved.
Though remarkably free from bitterness, the sergeant had withdrawn from the company of his friends to an alarming extent, even allowing for his love of literature.
It did not take more than a few moments before our previously snail-like pace had increased to an alarming extent.
Over the course of a generation, those who work with words have become controlled to an alarming extent by large corporate interests.
At a public function, Mountbatten wrote, "his nervousness increased to such an alarming extent, that I came very close to support him in case he passed out."
There isn't as much to be made in the consumer bankruptcies, the Chapter 7's and 13's, but the filings have increased to an alarming extent.
These new reinforcements arrived only just before a resumption of activities which were swiftly to thin their ranks to an alarming extent.
In 1901, the Atlanta Constitution reported that "Use of the drug [cocaine] among negroes is growing to an alarming extent."
Such an alarming extent did the blockade threaten to take, that even our minister to France, Mr. Armstrong, began to be nervous.
Structural Funds payments have piled up to an alarming extent.