However, in the twilight, one of the crew slipped away and alerted residents on a harbourside street.
It was the journalists' arrival that alerted residents that more than 150 investigators had trickled into the small city over the previous three days.
The 150 sirens at the plant are meant to alert residents within 10 miles to a plant emergency.
The impact of Rosita has alerted residents to prepare for any cyclones that may threaten the town in the future.
Sirens alerted other residents to remain indoors and drivers to stay off the highways.
Fire officials also suggested installing public address systems that could be used to alert and direct residents in case of a fire or other emergency.
The unit headed to Duffy, attempting to alert both controllers and residents to the imminent danger.
At the time, towns did not have individuals responsible for alerting residents of impending disasters, but now they do.
He awakened his relatives, then alerted other residents.