He was removed from office in September 2011 due to the Bank's alleged connection to the embezzlement of nearly $3 billion.
Both men agreed that the alleged connection between his message and her mental state was "nothing more than media created fiction".
The mayor of Cancún had been arrested during the campaign for alleged connections to drug traffickers.
He said that the state government gave the contracts based on the previous good track record of the companies, not because of the alleged political connections.
In 1937, however, both were arrested and tried for her alleged connection to Trotskyists.
Yet, to the best of our knowledge, no industry or law enforcement statements about alleged criminal connections have thought this worth mention.
The book also led to controversy about Nafisi's alleged connections to neoconservatism and colonialism.
"But Tommy was under investigation for a long period of time for his alleged connections to organized crime."
I was calling to see if you had any response to today's events at trial and the alleged connection between your case and Jamie Zimmerman.
Iraq's alleged connections to the terrorists the United States chose to fight after the 9/11 attacks have largely been discredited, and for quite some time.