Plasmer was the subject of a Marvel lawsuit against Defiant Comics' Plasm due to alleged similarities in name.
Regarding the alleged similarity, these pictures of Grimmett and Venizelos only hint at a passing resemblance.
The appeals court examined the alleged similarities, dismissing several on the basis of "scènes à faire" and others on the grounds that they were not similar.
Arguments based on alleged similarities to the Holocaust (or to Hitler or Stalin) should always be treated as guilty until proved innocent.
It was the disagreeable, sardonic-looking bird which Ukridge, on the strength of an alleged similarity of profile to his wife's nearest relative, had christened Aunt Elizabeth.
There have been concerns raised about the song's alleged similarity to the song Soosan Khanoom by Iranian pop band Barobax.
This emotional approach is dangerous, founded on a fundamental misreading of the situation in China and its alleged similarity to the Soviet case.
More importantly, I can see that I am very effectively disposing of all the apparent or alleged similarities between Daniel Miller and myself.
Upon release, various media outlets refused to air the music video for "Prayer", citing its alleged similarities to imagery from the September 11 attacks in the United States.
There were calls for the scene to be removed because of an alleged similarity to the London bombings of July 2005.