But when Parris rose, Dominick wouldn't move his leg to allow her to exit.
Shenk left in the van, and I opened the rolling gates to allow him to exit the estate.
But on the seventh day, thinking that it would not be dangerous, Cicero allows some troops to exit the camp to forage for food.
The fund allows investors to exit only twice a year, and redemption requests for the latest period were due by May 31.
The red velvet stage curtains had been drawn shut to allow Waters to exit and the orchestra members to change their sheet music.
Satterly stepped back and allowed her to exit her stateroom.
Their performance was not a full-length concert, as they needed to end early to allow all attendees to exit Central Park before dark.
In each level, the player must gather keys to open locks which will allow him to exit.
Jack held the door open button to allow the others to exit.
Some colleges allow students to exit the degree program after successful completion of first two years with diploma credential as well.