The men have received ties, the women scarves - 15 or so leaders in all, Republicans along with Democrats.
The floor fight was less heated over discounted television advertising rates, which were proposed by Senator Robert G. Torricelli of New Jersey, along with several other Democrats.
But his ethnic Italian Cleveland roots help him get along with urban Democrats like Representative Dan Rostenkowski of Chicago, who frequently acts as his patron.
"Madigan's concept of the job is figuring out how to get along with Democrats."
Budish, along with fellow Democrats delivered over 65,000 signed signatures against the bill to the committee that was hearing the legislation.
They walked the Earth in olden times, along with Jesus, Triceratops and progressive Democrats, and became an artistic force of some renown.
Dr. Shalala, along with Hillary Rodham Clinton and other Democrats, have harshly criticized the Republicans for proposing greater use of orphanages.
Your editorial's sole policy recommendation is to enlist the help of Iraq's neighbors and our European allies, something I, along with other Democrats, have long proposed.
White House officials, along with some Republicans and Democrats in Congress, warned that the plan could lead to political confrontation and Presidential vetoes.