I began to consider whether it was altogether wise of me to go to the Scillies.
The king's wish is our command, of course, your Highness, but is it altogether wise to drag your royal brother from his studies?
'Was it altogether wise to entrust that kind of mission to a novice, Sparhawk?'
'Are you sure that was altogether wise?'
As for the Gate-I, too, had wondered if a new life without certain memories had been altogether wise.
Is it altogether wise, to send so many warriors and other able High People down among the Low People?
Rumpole: "Do you think that's altogether wise?"
"Is that altogether wise, Belgarath?"
'Beuno,' she said, as he approached up the path, 'is it altogether wise to be cheeky to the devil?'
I do not think Ulric is altogether wise in not better ordering his household.