Word recognition among learners of chinese as a foreign lanugage: Investigating the relationship between naming and knowing.
The difference between mag- and -um- is a source of confusion among learners of the language.
This is brought about through a dialogue between learners and teachers, and among learners themselves.
He focused on the participation by students in experience and radical democracy, and the creation of praxis among learners.
These studies showed that there was little change in this order among learners with different first languages.
Constructivist learning environments support "collaborative construction of knowledge through social negotiation, not competition among learners for recognition."
For example, wikis are a way to encourage discussion among learners, but other common tools include mind maps, survey systems, and simple message boards.
This note-taking method is most common among visual learners and is a core practice of many accelerated learning techniques.
Peer relationships among learners are largely determinant of the outcomes of schools.
Differentiation stems from beliefs about differences among learners, how they learn, learning preferences and individual interests (Anderson, 2007).