There is wide disagreement among psychiatrists about the causes of paranoia.
But it is well known among psychiatrists and pediatricians that the drug's effects are not specific to any group of patients.
It is known among psychiatrists as electroconvulsive therapy and has also been called shock treatment.
THE movement among psychiatrists to rely more and more on using drugs to treat mental disorders is coming under strong attack.
Coming back to the question now, I am struck by how different the mood among many psychologists and psychiatrists is.
In 1973, for example, after a bitter controversy among psychiatrists, homosexuality was removed from the manual's list of personality disorders.
This theory was predominant among psychiatrists through the 1970s, but has since been discredited.
Sexual orientation and associated characteristics among North American academic psychiatrists.
He wanted to gauge for himself the level of interest among psychiatrists, instead of relying on the company's word.
Having an article published in this journal is considered to be very prestigious among Russian psychiatrists.