Nighthawk angrily slammed a fist against the arm of his chair.
Matt threw the phone down and angrily slammed the door in his father's face, something he'd never done before.
How wifely, he thought with a sneer, angrily slamming the drawer.
After a couple of minutes he slammed the receiver down angrily.
I leaned out over the aisle again while my neighbor angrily slammed the window shut.
He angrily slammed one of the drawers shut, charged the hall door, gave it a jerk, and glared outside.
I knew I would have angrily slammed my glove to the dugout floor and gone home.
Vitus Papageorge climbed in behind her and the door slammed angrily.
Elliot missed a shot and angrily slammed his paddle against the table.
Feeling slighted by a foul called on him, Dudley turned and angrily slammed the ball to the floor.