Just eight months earlier, only 38 percent answered that question affirmatively.
When I answered affirmatively, he replied that the government shouldn't tax people in order to give their money to others.
The nominal Christian would simply not answer affirmatively because he wouldn't even know what you're talking about.
Finally, he answered affirmatively, but it was a playful response.
According to Burrow's report, this question was answered affirmatively, six to five.
The question is not posed with the confidence that it will be answered affirmatively.
Not knowing what else to do, Mark answered affirmatively, with a grave inclination of his head.
All but one of those who previously answered affirmatively said that the discrepancy was resolved.
Davidson has shown, using the work of Tarski, that the first question can be answered affirmatively.
I answered affirmatively to the first, and explained I was flying out the next day at 1:15 in the afternoon.