They fear stirring more anti-American hatred than already exists and jeopardizing Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf, who is at least somewhat compliant to American desires.
A no vote from Congress will be seen as a slap in the face, throwing China back into conservatism and anti-American hatred.
Why have Chinese leaders chosen to use the bombing to mobilize anti-American hatred?
The administration does not want to admit the extent of anti-American hatred among Iraqis.
Dr. Kerr said that the discussions had drawn parallels between Cambodia and Iraq - wars that fueled anti-American hatred and civil war.
His diabolical vision, a mix of Muslim fanatacism and anti-American hatred, inspires members of cells around the world to carry out attacks in Al Qaeda's name.
Of all the places in Iraq, it is where anti-American hatred is the strongest.
The result: even more anti-American hatred, which plays straight into the hand of the hard-line Khartoum regime.
In the epicenter of anti-American hatred, even the most generous of gestures is viewed with a suspicious eye.
These turncoats and their sympathizers spew a web of lies and anti-American hatred with unquenchable zeal.