Guirola said Martinez was attacked by two members of the anti-Castro organization, which caused the fighters to rush to help.
Soon the anti-Castro organization had an active membership in each of Cuba's six provinces.
Members of Alpha 66, an anti-Castro paramilitary organization, continue to practice their AK-47 skills in a camp in South Florida.
RWB has denied that its campaigning on Cuba are related to payments it has received from anti-Castro organisations.
Meanwhile, the games, which began Aug. 8, have served as a lightning rod for other anti-Castro organizations, who have been involved in several incidents with Cuban athletes and officials.
In his Florida years he earned money as a lecturer and a radio and television talk-show host, and he rose high in an armed, Florida-based anti-Castro organization, Commandos L.
Many of those groups have been infiltrated for years; the chief of operations of one of the most militant anti-Castro organizations secretly reported to Havana for a decade.
On the same day the group was supposed to have met, Feb. 24, Cuban Air Force jets shot down two unarmed planes piloted by members of a Miami-based anti-Castro organization.
Bringuier was the New Orleans delegate for the Student Revolutionary Directorate (DRE), an anti-Castro organization.
He founded La Rosa Blanca (The White Rose), the first anti-Castro organization, in January 1959.